Connecting WhatsApp &

Smart Chrome Extension For

MONI is a JONI extension that creates a bridge between web app and WhatsApp Web

After you add JONI and MONI to chrome you can open WhatsApp chats without leaving your tab

Open WhatsApp Chats

Click any phone number in your board or use the 'Chat By Mobile' option to type the mobile number

Open Contact's Item

Click the chat's header to go to your contact's item. If the contact's item not found, MONI will prompt you to create a new item for it.

Create Updates

Use the 'Selection Mode' to create updates with selected messages in the chat window. If the contact's item not found, MONI will prompt you to create a new item for it.

Chat Notifications

You can get 'Chat Notifications' for all your incoming WhatsApp messages or only for the chats you opened. If notification for new message received and the chat window is not open, MONI will create an avatar you can click on to open the chat


You can send any supported attachment by clicking the attachment button or pasting a file to the chat window. You can view attachment from chat (this one has a file size limit of 4MB)

Manage Seats

Currently MONI is FREE. When time comes admin users will be able to activate / revoke seats for the account.