
Subscriptions are managed via PayPal and we use secured payments by PayPal.

Subscriptions are auto-renew by default until you cancel it. To cancel auto-renew, login to the Subscription Info page.

Credit card bill description will be PYROGSS.

Subscriptions are activated for a single user / email account that is logged into chrome browser during activation, so you can get your subscription's benefits on any computer as long as you are logged into chrome browser with the same email account.

We offer a FREE plan so you can review all JONI's features before you subscribe, therefore we have a NO REFUNDS policy for activated users.

We highly recommend reviewing the FAQ page and follow our user guides before subscribing.

PYROGSS LTD is not responsible for the way you use JONI nor any implications. Please comply with WhatsApp privacy terms of use, If you violate WhatsApp privacy terms of use your WhatsApp account may be banned.

Welcome To JONI

Thanks for your purchase !

Your subscription info is sent to $sub_email

If you don't get our email, check your spam folder and make sure our support email [email protected] is not marked as spam.

To activate your JONI user, open your WhatsApp Web at, go to JONI and click on 'Activate User', and type the activation key that we sent you:



Auto Renew



/ Month
Auto Renew
recurring payments
automatic payments



/ Month
Auto Renew
recurring payments
automatic payments



/ Month
Auto Renew
recurring payments
automatic payments
  • Make sure you use a valid email address in the payment form
  • Shipping address details are added to your tax invoice
  • If you are paying with a credit card and don't want to create a new PayPal account,
    make sure that the "Save info & create your PayPal account switch" is OFF: